András Lénárt PhD.

Personal information
Name: András Lénárt
Gender: Male
Place and date of birth: Budapest, 3 October 1975

Work experience
2011-present Research fellow 1956 Institute - Oral History Archive (National Széchényi Library)
2003-2011 Research fellow 1956 Research Institute

2012-2014 OTKA Research no. 81636: “Event - medium – publicity” - Research Fellow
2011- present “Voices of the 20th Century” – Archive and Research Group, Research Fellow
2006-2008 “Hidden Paths” Project
           Schleichwege – Inoffizielle Kontakte sozialisticher
           Staatsbürger 1956-1989 – Zwischen transnationaler Alltagsgeschichte und Kulturtransfer, supported by the Volkswagen Fundation, Research Fellow

2010 Defence of Ph.D. thesis – „The Image of the West in the Mentality of 1956 Student Immigrants in Austria”
2002-2005 Ph.D. studies at ELTE University Budapest, Department of Economic and Social History
1997-2002 Major in Sociology, ELTE Budapest, Institute of Sociology, Sociology Department
 1995-2002 Majors in Spanish and History, ELTE Budapest, Faculty of Arts

Language skills
Hungarian: mother
Spanish: advanced
English, German: intermediate

Other Activities and Teaching Experience
2014 Yellow-Star Houses in Budapest – Project. Coordinator  /
2012 Budapest100 – Research and Content development (
2012 ELTE University, Budapest, Spring Semester: Qualitative Methods of Sociology (with Gábor Csanádi)
2011 Budapest100 – Project Manager. Celebration of 100-year-old buildings of Budapest, with volunteers and local residents
2011 Corvinus University, Budapest, Fall Semester: Qualitative Methods of Sociology (with Éva Kovács)
2004-2006 Project Manager – Photo exhibition and scientific presentations on the “1960s”. “Mode in Socialism” and the “Hungarian Revolution in 1956” as part of Sziget Festival, a summer youth event


Az életművész (The enthusiast-Oral History study). In: Az 1956-os Intézet Évkönyve 2000. (Yearbook of 1956 Institute). Budapest, 2000, 179-92.

Stíluskérdés? Az elbeszélt források néhány ismérvéről és publikálásukról (A question of style? Some principles of narrated sources and publication of them). In: Az 1956-os Intézet Évkönyve 2004. Budapest, 2004, 211-31.

A Magántörténelem 1956 és a Kádár-korszak projekt keretében szerkesztett interjúk (Dr. Forintos György, Gömöri György, Karátson Gábor, Pákh Tibor, Pelcz József) (Private History, 1956 and the Kádár Period programme).

"Az én huszadik századom". Recenzió Losonczi Ágnes: Sorsba fordult történelem c. könyvéről ("My 20th century." Review of Ágnes Losonczi's book History as Destiny). Múltunk, 2005 I/4, 201-6.

"Nevet nem szabad kérdezni!" Közvélemény-kutatás Magyarországon 1945 és 1949 között ("Ask no names!" Public-opinion research in Hungary in 1945-9). A demokrácia reménye Magyarország, 1945 (The hope of democracy. Hungary 1945). Évkönyv XIII. 2005. Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2005, 146-75.

Fluchtgeschichten von 1956er Jugendlichen. In: Die ungarische Revolution und Österreich 1956. Edited by Murber, Ibolya, and Zoltán Fónagy, Zoltán. Vienna: Czernin Verlag, 2006, 465-95.

Nyugdíjas diákok visszaemlékezései az ausztriai magyar gimnáziumokról, 2005-1956 (Recollections of elderly students of the Hungarian gymnasia in Austria). Educatio, 2006/3, 623-30.

Történetgyűjtés. Az Oral history tudományos műhelyei Magyarországon 1945 után (Collecting stories. The workshops of oral history in Hungary after 1945). Aetas, 2007/1 (forthcoming).

Magyar diákok Ausztriában 1956-7 (Hungarian students in Austria). Thematic website (writing and compilation).

Deutschland-Varianten in den Erzählungen der 1956er Emigranten. In: Der Ungarnaufstand. Das Jahr 1956 in der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. Kende, Péter und Wolgast, Eike Budapest, 2007. 73-82.

Újra "otthon". Hazalátogató ötvenhatos emigránsok (Home again. Visits home by '56 émigrés). In: Germuska, Pál, and János M. Rainer, eds: Évkönyv XV.

"Druzsba Express". Utazás az Express Ifjúsági és Diák Utazási Irodával az 1970-es években ("Drushba Express." Travels with the Express Youth and Student Travel Agency in the 1970s). Regio, December 2008. (Also in German-language volume of proceedings, December 2008.)

Az elbeszélt források használata a jelenkortörténet-írásban (The use of oral sources in contemporary historiography). In: Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis. Nova Series tom. XXXVI. Sectio Scientiarum Medialium. Also in: Az interjú mint sajtóműfaj és módszer c. konferencia írásban megjelent előadásai (Written contributions to the conference "The interview as a press genre and method"). Ed. József Martin. Eger: Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Médiatudományi Tanszék, 2009, pp. 57-65.


Conference contributions
Public-opinion research in Hungary in 1945-9. Hope of Democracy. Hungary, 1945. Budapest, June 2005.

We report in confidence. The image of Hungary in the background materials of Radio Free Europe. Changes of Concept: Social Inequality, the Agent Question, and National and Political Community in Central Europe. Budapest: László Teleki Institute, September 28-9, 2006.

Deutschland-Varianten in den Erzählungen der 1956er Emigranten In Memory of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Heidelberg: Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften/Stuttgart Hungarian Cultural Institute, October 12, 2oo6.

Fluchtgeschichten von 1956er Jugendlichen. Die ungarische Revolution und Österreich 1956. Vienna: Collegium Hungaricum/Universität Wien/ Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, November 7-8, 2006.

Daniel takes a Train. (Film by Pál Sándor, 1984). Introduction. Cinemagrophy of the Holocaust, Budapest, March 8-10, 2007.

"Történetgyűjtés" - Oral history archívumok Magyarországon ("History collecting". Oral history archives in Hungary). Aetas, 2007/2:5-30.

Stefano Bottoni, ed. Az 1956-os forradalom és a romániai magyarság (1956-1959) (The 1956 Revolution and the Hungarian community in Romania, 1956-9). Múltunk, 2007/4 (forthcoming).

„Drushba Travels”. Hungarian foreign tourism in the 1970s. Lecture in the Final Conference of the Project „Hidden Past”: State Socialism and „transnational interspaces” 1956-1989. European University Institute, Florence, 18-21. September 2008.

"The wife has a say. Boundless relations: women and men." Contribution to the conference Latest results in research into social gender in Hungary. Budapest: MTA Etnikai-Nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézet, January 29-30, 2009.

Interviews in historiography. Conference on interviews as a press genre and method, Károly Eszterházy College, Eger, May 16, 2008 (publication forthcoming in 2009).

"Friendship's end? Tour guides and the change of system." Contribution to the conference Change (Changes) of system. Budapest City Archives, September 10, 2009.

"Boundaries. Methodological issues to do with interviews with '56 Hungarian emigrants." Contribution to the Qualitative Section of the 2009 Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociology Society. Debrecen, November 13-14, 2009.

"Venues of the socialist period and tourism practice as remembered by tour guides." Contribution to conference entitled "Venues". Pécs: BTK Kommunikáció- és Médiatudományi Tanszéke és Néprajzi Múzeum, November 20-21, 2009.


Translations into Hungarian:
How Alfonso X placed a ring on the finger of the cowled St Mary and how the statue crooked its finger for the ring (cantiga). In: Német, György: Love of statues. Café Bábel 20, 1996/2, 117-31. Also: Németh, György: Utopia of tyrants. Budapest: Atlantisz, 1996, 345-7.

Péteri, György: Purging and patronage: Kádár's counterrevolution and economics research in Hungary, 1957-8. Aetas, XXI, 2006/1, 186-210.


Other empirical research:
1997: Interviews with 13 participants in the 1989 National Round Table. (Central European University, Budapest, Political Science Department. Coordinator: András Bozóki).

1999: Interviews (Identity of today's Hungarian Jews. ELTE Social Minority Research Institute. Coordinator: András Kovács).
1999: Résumé analysis (Daily lives, 1956 Institute, Oral History Archive. Coordinator: János M. Rainer).

1999-2000: Interviews (The innovation ability and vision of elites. Hungarian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Political Sciences. Coordinator: László Guba.

2002: Workers' lives. Interviews (coordinator: Erzsébet Szalai). Poverty research. Interviews and questionnaires (University of Economics, Budapest. Coordinator: György Lengyel).

Interviews for Kopint-Datorg Rt. Monitoring survey of electronic signature use.
Questionnaires and interviews (Szonett Marketing Consultancy and Market Research Association).

Interviews (Enable Age Project-European comparative study of the autonomy and social participation of the elderly. Hungarian Academy of Sciences' Sociological Institute. Coordinator: Zsuzsa Széman).


Educational projects
This is the fashion! Dress and way of life in '60s Hungary. Exhibition by 1956 Institute/Hungarian National Museum. Sziget Festival, Budapest, August 2005, Coordinator.

56. UTCA. Exhibition by 1956 Institute/Káva Cultural Workshop. Sziget Festival, Budapest, August 2006 Coordinator.