Kósa, Katalin (1943)
Katalin Kósa was born in Újpest. Her mother was a weaver and later a storekeeper, and her father, Pál Kósa, a joiner, who was on the Újpest National Committee and chair of the revolutionary council during '56. He took part in armed resistance to the Soviets after the revolution was crushed, and was arrested on November 12, 1956. On March 15, 1959, he was condemned to death with possibility of appeal. His sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court on July 28, 1959 and carried out on August 5. Katalin Kósa was unable to continue her studies after leaving elementary school in 1977, but she managed to get a job as a gardener at the waterworks, through the help of relatives. On May 30, 1961, she was adopted by József Fekete, her mother's second husband. After graduating from secondary school, she went on to technical college, then taught practical knowledge in an elementary school, while studying technical education at Budapest Technical University. After the change of system in 1989-90, she was briefly a member of the Independence Party. She then joined the Alliance of Hungarian Political Prisoners (POFOSZ) and became a member of the Budapest presiding committee of the '56 League.


 Kósa, Katalin: 'If something's taboo, it gets slowly buried'

Kósa, Katalin
Kósa, Katalin
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