___Zoltán Lux [Lux Zoltán]___Back
Zoltán Lux
Born in Budapest in 1962.

Education and qualifications:

1976–80: Endre Ady Secondary School, Ráckeve. 1980–87: Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, majoring in mathematics and philosophy. Teaching degree in mathematics, degree in philosophy. 1997: Oracle development course, Oracle, Hungary.

Work record:

1987–89. Freelance.

1989–92. Informatics Department, Budapest Ervin Szabó Library.

1992–96. InfoKer Computer Applications Cooperative.

1991– Employed part-time by the 1956 Institute until April 1997, and thereafter full-time.

Professional experience:

Ervin Szabó Library: Helping to adapt the Textar free-text databank-processing program and operating the bibliographical and sociological databases at the library.

InfoKer: Helping to develop and provide professional support for the Textar free-text databank-processing program and the Textlib integrated library program.

Orbis: Helping to develop and provide professional support for the Orbis pictorial document-storage database-processing program.

1956 Institute: Heading the data archive and ensuring continual operation of the databases. Taking part in and heading the development of the contemporary-history database (Pascal, Delphi, Oracle Developer, Oracle Designer). Development and maintenance of the web site (www.rev.hu). Head of the project for developing CD-ROM publications in Hungarian (1956—Encyclopaedia of the Hungarian Revolution and Struggle for Independence and the forthcoming History of Hungary, 1944–1956). Head of the project for Internet development at the 1956 Institute in Hungarian and English (History of the Hungarian Revolution and Struggle for Independence http://www.rev.hu/sulinet56/online/naviga/index.htm, History of Hungary 1944–1953 www.rev.hu/sulinet45/index.htm).
Magántörténelem – 1956 és a Kádár-korszak (Private history—1956 and the Kádár period). Internet content development. Project leaders: Zoltán Lux and Adrienne

Conference contributions

‘Database on the History of the Present Age with Added Photo Documentation Module’. Hungarian-German Workshop on Information Society Technologies, Budapest, December 3–4, 1998.

‘Informatics-Based Support for Research and Education in the Field of Contemporary Studies’. Data in the Digital Library: Charting the Future for Social, Spatial and Government Data, NW University, Chicago, June 7–10, 2000.

‘Tudáskezelés a történettudományok területén’ [Handling of Knowledge in the Field of Historical Studies]. János Neumann Computer Science Society, 7th National Conference: Together towards the Information Society. The Challenges of the New Millennium and the Country’s Chances in the Information Society’, Eger, June 21–3, 2000.

‘Informatics-Based Support for Research and Education in the Field of Contemporary Studies’. Fifth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Cologne, October 3–6, 2000.

With Pál Germuska: ‘Magyarország története 1944–1956 Interneten és CD-ROM-on’ [The History of Hungary 1944–56 on the Internet and on CD-ROM). Agra Media 2000 Information-Technology and Education-Technology Conference and Exhibition: Media Competence as the Democracy of the Information Society, Eger, October 26–8, 2000.

‘Jelenkor kutatás és publikálás az 1956-os Intézetben’ [Research and Publication in Contemporary History at the 1956 Institute]. International Educational Exhibition and Fair, Budapest, November 17–19, 2000. http://www.sulinet.hu/educatio/

Zoltán Lux: The database of oral-history interviews. Documenting Qualitative Data- the DDI. 3 September 2001, Wivenhoe House, University of Essex

Zoltán Lux: Multimedia Oral History Database. DATA FUTURES: BUILDING ON 30 YEARS OF ADVOCACY. May 24-29, 2004. Madison, Wisconsin, USA http://dpls.dacc.wisc.edu/iassist2004/program.html

Zoltán Lux: Multimedia Oral History Database. DATA FUTURES: BUILDING ON 30 YEARS OF ADVOCACY. May 24-29, 2004. Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Zoltán Lux: The integrated photo-documentary online database. Evidence and Enlightenment. May 25-27, 2005. Edinburgh, Scotland UK

Zoltán Lux: Database Developments to Establish Internet Content Services. Data in a World of Networked Knowledge. May 23-26, 2006. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Zoltán Lux: Renewal of the 1956 Institute website and connecting it to the National Digital Database (NDD). Building Global Knoeledge Communities with Open Data. May 15-18, 2007. McGill University, Montréal Québec, Canada

Lux Zoltán: Fotódokumentációs és recenziós tartalomszolgáltatás a kutatásban és ismeretterjesztésben. Hungarian Oracle User Group. Siófok, 08.04.2008 - 11.04.2008, Hungary

Zoltán Lux: Two New Content Services on the 1956 Institute Portal. Technology of Data: Collection, Communication, Access and Preservation. May 27-30, 2008. McGill University, Montréal Québec, Canada

Lecture on the 1956 Institute's developments. Erasmus Euromedia project workshop, Infinity, Budapest, April 25, 2008.

Lecture at the Photo Memory EU project workshop, Florence: Alinari Collection, November 17-18, 2008.

"The penal proceedings system of the Chief Prosecutor's Office and application of the SIARD standard." Contribution to the Electronic Archives workshop at the Hungarian National Archives. Budapest: MOL, April 1, 2009. http://www.mol.gov.hu/bal_menusor/szakembereknek/e-leveltar/hirek.html.

"Photographic memory. Collection, organization and reuse in photographic archiving." Lecture accepted for IASSIST 2009 annual conference, May 26-9, 2009. Tampere, Finnország. Not delivered for financial reasons.

With Árpád Tyekvicska: "Database of Salgótarján registers in research and public administration." Budapest: MOL, June 9, 2009. http://www.mol.gov.hu/rendezvenyek/anyakonyvek_a_kutatasban_es_a_kozigazgatasban.htmlhttp://www.melte.hu/?q=node/182.

"The private photo portal of the Photo Memory Program." Contribution to the closing event and workshop for participating institutions (3 Italian, 2 British and 1 Hungarian). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, June 11, 2009.

"The IT background of the Hungarian Electronic Archive Program." Contribution to the International (Swiss, English, Austrian, German) workshop on e-Archiving, Bern: Swiss Federal Archives, September 9, 2009. Also delivered at the Slovenian-Hungarian Workshop on e-Archiving, Ljubjana: Slovenian National Archives, September 17, 2009.

"Connection of archive databases on the Internet." Contribution to MLE IT Section meeting, Budapest: ÁBTL, December 2, 2009. http://mlp.archivportal.hu/id-1772-az_mle_informatikai_szekcioja.html.


‘Textlib. Integrált könyvtári alkalmazási rendszer’ [Textlib. Integrated Library Applications System]. Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Observer), No. 5, 1993, pp. 30–37.

‘A számítástechnika alkalmazása a történettudományok területén’ [Computer Applications in the Field of Historical Studies]. In: Hatalom és társadalom (Power and Society). Budapest: 1956 Institute and Osiris, 1995, pp. 101–111.

‘Az 1956-os Forradalom története Interneten’ [The Internet History of the 1956 Revolution]. In: Sulinet—ablak a világra (Sulinet [educational web service]—Window to the World). Budapest: Okker Kft., pp. 229–34.

‘Computerized Support for Research and Publication in Contemporary History’. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research (online journal), No. 1 (3).

‘Computerized Support for Research and Publication in Contemporary History’. IASSIST Quarterly, Vol. 24 (2000), No. 2, pp. 4–6.

As website project leader, with Attila Szakolczai and Pál Germuska as editors: Az 1956-os magyar forradalom és szabadságharc története [History of the Hungarian Revolution and Struggle for Independence]. Digital teaching materials. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1998. (http://www.rev.hu/sulinet56/online/naviga/index.htm.

As editor with András B. Hegedűs and Pál Germuska: 1956—A magyar forradalom és szabadságharc enciklopédiája. 1956. október 6.—december 12. Multimedia CD-ROM. Budapest: 1956 Institute.

As editor-in-chief with János M. Rainer: Magyarország története, 1944–1953 [History of Hungary, 1944–53]. Digital historical manual. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000.

‘A digitális történeti adatarchívum’ [The digital historical database]. Évkönyv 2002. Bp. 1956-os Intézet, 2002, 418–24.

‘With Gergő Bendegúz Cseh: Informatika’ (Informatics). In: György Gyarmati, ed., Trezor 3. Az átmenet évkönyve 2003 (Treasury 3. Transition Yearbook 2003). Budapest, 2004, 283–94.


ECASS (The European Centre for Analysis in the Social Sciences) University of Essex, UK, 2001, 2003.

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Last updated:  Monday, 13-December-2010

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