Zsuzsanna Kőrösi

Place of birth: Budapest, Hungary
Date of birth: April 5, 1967
E-mail: korosi.zsuzsanna@gmail.com
Gender: Female

1990–1992 Research organizer, Hungarian Institute for Culture
1992–1995 Research organizer, 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive Foundation)
1995–1998 Research fellow, Hungarian Academy of Siences (Scholarship)
1998–2011 Research fellow, 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive (Foundation)
2011– Research fellow, 1956 Institute - Oral History Archive (National Széchényi Library)

1995 Master of Arts in Sociology at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest
1990 Master of Arts in Hungarian Language and Literature and Adult Education at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest
1985 Diploma of secondary studies in József Attila High-School in Budapest

Mother language: Hungarian
Language: English (B2)
Social skills: I participated in almost a dozen scientific research projects, where I had the opportunity to learn how to collaborate and cooperate with fellow researchers and my own colleagues.
Organisational skills: I carried out three full projects.
Editorial skills: I edited 15 life history interviews and 4 scientific volumes.
Computer skills: Competent with most Microsoft Office programmes and some experience with HTML.

For the original titles of writings in Hungarian, see the Hungarian list of publications.

A. As author:

"Making a Life in a Freer World". Hungarian emigrants in a new homeland - integration and identity in the light of recollections (presentation)
XVI. International Oral History Conference. Between Past and Future: Oral History, Memory and Meaning) Prague, 2010 July

Szabadabb világban életet teremteni. Emigrálás, otthonteremtés, beilleszkedés visszaemlékezések tükrében (Making a life in a freer world. Memories of emigration, setting up home, and integrating). In: Évkönyv 2009, XVI, pp. 141-201.

Női emlékek a forradalomról és a megtorlásról. Zsuzsanna Bögre: Asszonysorsok. Ötvenhatos élettörténetek elemzése (Female recollections of revolution and reprisals . Zsuzsanna Bögre. Women's recollections of the revolution and reprisals Female destinies. Analysis of '56 life stories). Budapest: Ráció Kiadó, 2006. In: Ötvenhat az ötvenediken. Kritikai szemle a forradalom félévszázados évfordulójára ('56 on the 50th. A critical review on the fiftieth anniversary of the Revolution). Budapest: 1956-os Intézet, 2007.

Egy orvos visszaemlékezése. Dr. Oláh Vilmos: A forradalom kórháza. A Péterfy kórház orvosának visszaemlékezése az 56-os eseményekre. (Recollections of a physician. Dr Vilmos Oláh: Recollections of the '56 events by a doctor at the Péterfy hospital). Somorja: Méry Ratio, 2006. ('56 on the 50th. A critical review on the fiftieth anniversary of the Revolution).

Humor a röplapokon. "Megy a rendszer, jön a rendszer, majd megbolondul az ember..." '56 röplaphumora. Szerkesztette: Horváth Julianna (Humour on leaflets. "The system comes, the system goes, it drives you barmy...". Edited by Julianna Horváth). Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó, 2006. ('56 on the 50th. A critical review on the fiftieth anniversary of the Revolution).

Hallgatás és titok. Az 1956-os magyar forradalom után kivégzettek gyermekei a Kádár-rendszerben (Silence and secrets. Children of those executed after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, under the Kádár system). In: Lányi, Gusztáv, ed., A politika pszichológiai tükörben: Magyarország, 1990–2005. Budapest: Jószöveg Műhely, 2006, pp. 25–58.

With Adrienne Molnár: „Kemény Tanulság volt”. Az 1956-os forradalom utáni megtorlás következményei a munkáscsaládokban (‘It was a hard lesson.’ The aftermath of the reprisals after the 1956 Revolution in working-class families). In: Sándor Horváth and László Pethő, eds, Munkástörténet—munkásantropológia. Tanulmányok (Worker history—worker anthropology. Studies). Budapest: Napvilág, 104–114, 2003.

Carrying a Secret in my Heart... Children of the Victims of the Reprisals after the Hungarian Revolution In 1956 (with Adrienne Molnár). Central European University Press, Budapest – New York, 2002, 195 pp. with illustrations.

With Adrienne Molnár: ‘Magántörténelem. Pap János, Széll Jenő, Kuklay Antal emlékezése a hatvanas évekre’ [Private history. Reminiscences of the 1960s by János Pap, Jenő Széll and Antal Kuklay]. Múltunk, April 2002, pp. 272–303.

Carrying a Secret in my Heart... Children of the Victims of the Reprisals after the Hungarian Revolution In 1956 (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár, foreword by Gábor Gányi). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, 269 pp. with illustrations.

János Kádár in the Memory of Contemporaries. Compilation from the Life Interviews in the Oral History Archive of the 1956 Institute (in Hungarian, selected and edited with Adrienne Molnár). Rubicon, No. 7–8, 2000, pp. 75–98.

An Attempt at Relationship-Network Analysis of the Life Interviews (in Hungarian, with Fruzsina Albert and Beáta Dávid). In: Yearbook 2000 VIII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, pp. 323–37.

Do You Want to Be Happy? Be Satisfied (in Hungarian, book review, Mrs János Herman: Under the Chisel). In: Yearbook 2000 VIII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, pp. 425–31.

Annotated List of New Interviews in the Oral History Archive (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár). In: Yearbook 2000 VIII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2000, pp. 462–8.

"So We Said Jokingly to Each Other, It Was Worth Serving a Couple of Years for That". Selections from Interviews in the Oral History Archive of the 1956 Institute (in Hungarian, selected and edited with Adrienne Molnár). In: Telling Years 1957–68. The History of the Kádár Period, Part 1, edited by Sándor Révész. Budapest: Stencil Cultural Foundation, 2000, pp. 6–35.

Reticence and Secrets. The Children of Those Executed after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution under the Kádár System (in Hungarian). In: Studies in Political Science 7. Political Culture and Political Socialization, edited by Gusztáv Lányi. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, PTI Ethno-Regional Research Centre, 1999, pp. 29–62.

Woman History (in Hungarian, book review, Andrea Pető: Women’s Stories. From the History of Politically Engaged Hungarian Women, 1945–51). In: Yearbook 1999 VII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1999, pp. 351–5.

"It Was a Long, Nerve-Racking Battle". Selection from the Reminiscences in the Oral History Archive (in Hungarian, selected and edited with Adrienne Molnár). In: Yearbook 1999 VII. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1999, pp. 128–54.

Parallel Fates in 20th-Century Hungary (with Adrienne Molnár). In: Oral History: Challenges for the 21st Century. 10th International Oral History Conference, 14–18 June. Rio de Janeiro: CPDOC-FGV, 1998, Vol. III, pp. 1716–25.

Hope, Uncertainty, Reprisals. Reminiscences (in Hungarian, selected and edited with Adrienne Molnár). Rubicon, No. 4–5, 1998, Supplement, pp. I–XIII.

I Have Been Hoping All My Life That Sometime I Would Find Him… (in Hungarian). In: Recognition and Treatment of the Effects of Protracted Social Traumas. Budapest: Animula, 1997, pp. 74–80.

Transmisión de experiencias en familias de los condenados political en la Hungría comunista (with Adrienne Molnár). Historia, Antropología y Fuentes Orales, No. 2, 1997 (Barcelona), pp. 83–92.

List of Accessions to the Interviews in the Oral History Archive (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár). In: Yearbook V, 1996–7. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1997, pp. 351–5.

Oral History Archive, Budapest, 1981–1996 (with Gyula Kozák and Adrienne Molnár). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1996, 156 pp.

The Handing Down of Experiences in Families of the Politically Condemned in Communist Hungary (with Adrienne Molnár). In: 9th International Oral History Conference. Göteborg, 1996, pp. 1160–67.

"If Something is Taboo, People Are Slow to Bury It". The Consequences of the Reprisals for the Lives of the Second Generation of Fifty-Sixers (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár). Hitel, October 1996, pp. 41–62.

Sparks Flew along the Edge of the Boots. How Do People Remember October 23, 1956?’ (in Hungarian, with András B. Hegedűs). Népszabadság, November 22, 1996.

I Lived with Secrets in My Soul. The Children of Those Executed after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution under the Kádár System (in Hungarian). Café Bábel, No. 1, 1996, pp. 75–87.

Annotated List of Further 1956-Related Interviews in the Oral History Archive (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár). In: Yearbook III. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1994, pp. 267–70.

Life Interviews in the Oral History Archive (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár). In: Yearbook III, 1994. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1994, pp. 271–82.

Additions to the List of 1956 Interviews in the Oral History Archive (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár). In: Yearbook II,. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1993, pp. 323–7.

Annotated List of the 1956-Related Interviews in the Oral History Archive (in Hungarian, with Adrienne Molnár). In: Yearbook I . Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1992, pp. 267–90.

Annotated indexes of names (in Hungarian) for Miklós Molnár: Triumph of a Defeat. Budapest, 1991, and György Litvan etc.: The 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Reform—Uprising—Liberation Struggle—Reprisals. A History Reader for Secondary-School Students. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadó, 1991.


B. As editor:

OHA interview with Szabolcs Vigh: "Nyitottabb, türelmesebb és szolidárisabb egyházra gondoltunk..." ["We're thinking of a more open, patient and compassionate church..."]. http://server2001.rev.hu/oha/index_hu.html

A forradalom emlékezete Személyes történelem [Recollection of the Revolution Personal history] (Hungarian) Compiled on the basis of interviews in the Oral History Archive by Adrienne Molnár, Zsuzsanna Kőrösi and Márkus Keller, Book and cover designed by István Molnár Iscsu
Budapest, 1956-os Intézet, 2006, 395 pp.

Az 1956-os forradalom a világsajtóban [The 1956 Revolution in the World Press] In original languages.
The third content in our Jubilee Internet Series Editor in chief: Judit Topits, responsible editor: János Tischler
Budapest, 1956-os Institute, 2006 (Interwiews editing)

Mit einem Geheimnis leben. Die Schicksale der Kinder der Verurteilten von 1956. Herne, 2005, Gabriele Schafer Verlag, 269 p. (with Adrienne Molnár)

József Bácsi: ‘I’ve never dealt with politics. I don’t understand it. I’m not a politician’. Csaba Horváth: ‘I never regretted what I’d done for a moment’. Sándor Keresztes: ‘We just managed to give signs of life in 1956’. Katalin Kósa: ‘If something’s taboo, people slowly bury it’. Krisztina Lukách: ‘The event lived on with us’. Tamás Lukách: ‘I don’t go there in a barricade mood. I was chosen and I fulfilled my calling’. András Révész: ‘No social democratic alternative was considered in 1956’. Jenő Széll: ‘I was never especially fired with political ambitions’. Georgiosz Vasziliou: ‘I went to a very good university, the university of the Hungarian revolution’. Vince Vörös: ‘The subsequent negotiations with Kádár and his group never took place’,. In Magántörténelem 1956 és a Kádár-korszak (Private history. 1956 and the Kádár period).

With Adrienne Molnár (selected and edited): ‘Kádár János emlékezete. Összeállítás az 1956-os Intézet Oral History Archívumának életútinterjúiból [Reminiscences of János Kádár. Selection from the life interviews of the Oral History Archive at the 1956 Institute]. In: Ki volt Kádár? Harag és részrehajlás nélkül a Kádár-életútról (Who Was Kádár? About Kádár’s Life, without Anger or Bias). Edited by Árpád Rácz. Budapest: Rubicon–Aquila, 2001, pp. 173–88.

‘Memories of Kádár. Selection from the Interviews in the Oral History Archive of the 1956 Institute’ (selected and edited with Adrienn Molnár). In: Kádár? On the Life of Kádár, without Anger or Prejudice. Edited by Árpád Rácz. Budapest: Rubicon-Aquila, 2001, pp. 173–88.

Yearbook 2001 IX. Hungary in the Contemporary Period (edited with Éva Standeisky and János M. Rainer). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 2001.

Yearbook 2000 VIII. Hungary in the Contemporary Period (with Éva Standeisky and János M. Rainer). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 486 pp.

"I Attended a Very Good University, the University of the Hungarian Revolution". Georgiosz Vasziliu Tells His Life Story to András B. Hegedűs (with András B. Hegedüs). Budapest: 1956 Institute.

The Former State-Security Organizations and Their Documents in Germany and Hungary. Minutes of the Conference on October 8, 1997 (with András B. Hegedűs). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1998, 165 pp.

Parties 1956. Selection from the Recollections of 1956 Party Leaders (with Pál Péter Tóth). Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1997, 356 pp.

Géza Boros: Memorials to ’56. Budapest: 1956 Institute, 1997, 288 pp.

Repertory of Truth December 1958–March 1994 (with József Kőrösi and János Meggyesi). Budapest, 1995.

"People Can’t Work at Bayonet Point." Selection from the Recollections of 1956 Workers Council Leaders (with Gyula Kozák and Adrienne Molnár). Budapest: Századvég and 1956 Institute, 356 pp.