1. Bolgár, László Bolgár, László: We did not encourage people to rebel
2. Gömöri, György Gömöri, György: News sent to Warsaw on October 23
3. Katona, Pál Katona, Pál: We kept the BBC's dignity
4. Lasota, Eligiusz Eligiusz, Lasota: We did all we could to find out what was happening in Hungary
5. Planer, Emanuel Planer, Emanuel: We were the party leaders' most important source of information at times
6. Rentoul, Ferenc Rentoul, Ferenc: Registering what happens but not encouraging it
7. Retmaniak, Anna Retmaniak, Anna: I had to tell of my experiences countless times
8. Vásárhelyi, Miklós Vásárhelyi, Miklós: Complete disarray at an international press conference
9. Wolicki, Krysztof Wolicki, Krysztof: People opened up to me at once